Technical Webinar

ALARA, then and now – implementation of measures to reduce extremity and whole body doses at Hanford’s 222 S Laboratory

About The Webinar


Jeff Marks


ALARA, then and now – implementation of measures to reduce extremity and whole body doses at Hanford’s 222 S Laboratory


Come join Mr. Jeff Marks, CCHPS 2019 Health Physicist of the Year, for a webinar entitled “ALARA, Then and Now – Implementation of Measures to Reduce Extremity and Whole Body Doses at Hanford’s 222 S Laboratory”

Jeff’s presentation and discussion will demonstrate the decline in received extremity and whole body dose to radiologically trained workers at a long term DOE project upon successful implementation of ALARA dose controls over 20 years ago. He will also show the continued success of that implementation of the ALARA Program at the same project since that time. 

Discussion points will include:

The presentation will cover how individual processes were evaluated and the new tools that have been developed based on refinements.

Watch Recorded Webinar


Tuesday, May 19, 2020


7:00 - 7:45 PM



Shared Files

Jeff Marks is a Health Physicist employed by Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) at the 222-S Laboratory located on the Hanford Site.  He is the lead radiological control work planner at 222-S, and is also responsible for the radiological entry control, ALARA methods and practices, and radiological work  the planning programs.  He has worked in the field of Health Physics for 34 years. He has worked at Hanford site for nearly 25 years of which 4 years has been at 222-S Laboratory.