Technical Webinar

Radiopharmaceutical therapy: value of dosimetry guided treatment

Presented by Yuni Dewaraja, PhD, University of Michigan Medical

A Joint Meeting of Cascade, Columbia and Northern California Chapters 

Dr. Dewaraja received her PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan specializing in the area of radiation detection and measurement. She is currently a Professor in the Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology at University of Michigan. She has served for over 20 years as the Principal Investigator on NIH sponsored research projects focusing on quantitative imaging and patient specific dosimetry in radiopharmaceutical therapy . Dr. Dewaraja is a member of the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)  and a co-chair of the Single-Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) biomarker committee of the Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA) of the Radiological Society of North America.

For CHPs needing continuing education credits, this webinar is preapproved as a Chapter meeting for 2 CECs.

Webinar Information


Friday, June 18, 2021


10:00 - 11:30 AM



Registration link